i was part of those who number who spent time to campaign for those presidentiables that we thought would make an impact on the lives of our future...and because i am but a simple man in this complex society of ours, i can only do as much to convince others... i wrote this piece on facebook a few days before the 2010 elections...
Typical of us Filipinos, we have once again created a spectacle of ourselves this 2010 elections. Not only has the competition been especially fierce this time but then again we have made what is mundane into a colorful kaleidoscope parade worthy of my Party List Group LADLAD. But what is important; something that we must have been focusing on amidst this current "fiasco" is the one decision that we must make come May 10: What is you color? And by this, I am talking about the presidency!
In my opinion, what we need to do is dissect the meaning behind the words of each of the candidates. As the campaign period ends, now is the time for us to finally sit down and think over just which among them would greatly help us and transport us into a better tomorrow. Come to think of it, each one of them are but parrots that have been mimicking the words of past leaders, would be leaders or speaking memorized words albeit their own making but based on what the people wants to hear. So then again, it all boils down on who is the better man or woman for the gender sensitive.
So, have you decided yet? Will you be YELLOW? GREEN? ORANGE? or whatever color there is to choose from.
If you go green, well, supporters have been saying that it would be an intellectual vote. Given that their candidate is well versed, competent and projecting the aura of one who has the capacity to lead a country that has been slumbering for so long. If brains is the only basis of comparison, it is very possible that he would take the cake...and probably eat it too. But then, doesn't history tell us that intellectuals have time and again shown the capacity to do really really stupid things? Just a thought!
Well, why not go orange? If we listen to all the brouhaha and repeated ads across all media, then I believe that this is the color of the poor. Not only one but two! Yeah, there are two candidates that claim this citrus color; one, an ex-president pardoned for a sensational crime and the other a success story with issues that never seem to stop. They both promise a life set in the promised land with owned houses and no more poverty but let me ask you this, is that even possible in this life time without leaving even one soul hurt and trampled upon? Just think!
Then there is yellow. A color that was not even thought of the same month last year but has managed to tie loose ends across all social classes. The gluing factor is the memory of a father that questioned the norms of the past and the demise of a mother that was instrumental in the restoration of democracy. Others question the qualifications of this surprise front runner...does he have what it takes? Well, the only thing I can honestly say is that he has compassion! Something that will maybe ... just maybe ... guide us all to forget about social classes and for once think of the whole country.
There are other colors there but then I'd like to focus on these three colors - four candidates. So take your pick!
Just a quick reminder though, they might just be a collection of ballers on our wrists today but come next week one of them could be the driving force of the country.
Let me leave you with this words from Former US President Dwight Eisenhower, "...There are certain deeply personal characteristics that any President needs to cope with the pressures and the buffering of the job. One of these is a working balance between humility and vanity." So which one is vain? Which one is humble?
And this is just for the presidency! But then again, I don't need to give you choices for the lesser post since I am forever BLUE!!!
Good luck on my choices and may you all choose wisely! God bless us all!!!
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