Thursday, January 27, 2011

sunshine and the bright blue sky

this is another election related article i wrote in support of mar roxas (still my vice president) and now president noynoy aquino...

Election day is nearing. We cannot even forget that fact even if we try. To mention the obvious, it should be the most common thought that runs through our minds these past few days; what with the almost unending commercials that is being blasted across all media, the often irritating music that is being incessantly loops from countless speakers all over the country, not counting the junk posted all over any available surface with saccharine-sweet smiling faces of candidates taken decades ago when they were still young and energetic. 

A lot of us are ready with our own choices as i'm sure that still others are contemplating who among the multitude they will chose to represent their causes, yet some still wondering how much their ballot may cost. Some have chosen and discarded their initial choices as they listen to all the dirt being thrown across each candidate's camp. In the end, its still our own subconscious that will decide on who will better help us for the next years to come. 

Candidates have promised everything from making everybody else rich to transportation wonders to housing to food on the table to non corruption. I've been half expecting to hear any of them promising anybody that will listen that they will give us the moon or the stars or whatever. Maybe even world peace. Some I'm sure will probably believe!

But for the past three months that we have allowed them to show us what they will do for the country, are we not finally tired of all these promises that at the end of the day still sound lame and conjured from the people's wants and needs and expectations? Can we truly believe that they could deliver? 

Can the man who professes to be poor give us all the riches that will make us like him? An ambitious man who fortunately for him, has made a name of himself? Can he multiply that a million folds for all of us? Or do we ultimately just have to help ourselves?

Can the man who claims intellectual mastery usher us to a better future? In a jet at that? Would he lend us his intellect so that we can make decisions as soundly as he could? Like forget the call of family because he has parallel motives or plans? I wonder what my cousins would say?

Can somebody whom we have given a chance to sit on a the seat of inadequacy be given back that seat so that he can be more discrete? Are second chances even given in government seats? I voted for him once, I wonder if I could force my arms and fingers to do the same again?

Is heroism genetic? Hmmm, then that makes me a hero as well. Is this the same with leadership? 

Now with all the brouhaha that is happening all over us, what I can really suggest is for us to sit in a quiet corner and think. Listen to what our subconscious is telling us. Who do we believe? Whose words are ultimately sincere? Who has compassion? Who has our trust?

And this is what I have decided.

I want sunshine and the brightness of a new day. A country with a leader that has managed to glue together the people for a common cause regardless of social class. A man who is a man and unafraid to show that he is a man; can be hurt, can fail and unafraid to admit so and more importantly a man who will listen to what each of us need. A president who has compassion, does not promise to deliver seemingly improbable things yet, promises to take into accounting what we have as a country right now and take it from there - that I can believe - that is possible to do! 

Now to support him, I want the bright BLUE sky! 

A vice president that has a tract record of service to people; that although he was not born poor has the heart of the poor in mind. A man who can sacrifice his dreams so that the country could rally as one, and sacrificing a dream is the single most difficult decision to make. I admire the man who can honestly say , "Country above self". 

Him - rather than somebody who claims to have "made" a city that has otherwise been there even before, a woman who does not even know loyalty, a traffic man who sings etc. etc.

These are my choices, I know I have made the right ones. I hope you will too!!!

Goodluck on NOYNOY and MAR...God bless the Philippines! 

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