Thursday, January 27, 2011

pinoy pride

the company i work for is dynamic...its one of the very few work environments that i totally enjoy and continue to enjoy being in...this is for a contest...


Such a sinful word but encompasses an emotion that drives man to succeed and surmount indescribable challenges; it is the emotion that makes the hardest climb worth each step, it gives reason to the tears shed in the pain of defeat, and the goose bumps of exultation in moments of triumph.  It is that giddy feeling that one carries within his heart; that single emotion that sums up a variety of sentiments; love, loyalty, admiration … pride.

So what drives me?  So what makes me proud?

            I am proud of the security of a family.  I feel the warm wet feeling of tears struggling to escape happy eyes to see children off to school for an education that will make them better citizens of the land; children whose future are secured by parents working for the benefit of the growth of home. I post a smile upon grandparents sheltered and taken cared of, their littlest “apo” curled up on their laps.  My heart burst with pride.

            I am proud of a blossoming relationship. Such rapture I feel to see held hands in a sea of otherwise strangers; a certain kind of delight and warmth to see two people find each other across distances, social classes and preferences.  That liquid look on someone’s face as another gaze with equal feeling.  I scream soundlessly…proud!

            I am proud of friendships.  I love the sharing of ideas, the meeting of thoughts and creed from a kaleidoscopic mix of personalities and gender all equally geared towards a common purpose; divided yet, one, as day by day they face challenges and obstacles that only manages to pull them closer.  One in defeat…one in triumph…with pride.

            I’m proud of the big moments that change the course of society, like when a seemingly simple man becomes the highest in the land.  Equally, I am proud of the little things that make life real, like an ice cream cone on a hot summer day.

            I am proud of the virtues that I grew with; traits and relationship driven emotions that is mirrored by each of my countrymen.  It is the willingness to extend a helping hand, the push that commands one more step to help out and what makes this lowly country explode with feelings for those who scream for acceptance.

We are a proud people, and in our drive to excel we look into ourselves with the pride that guides us to do more good things.

            I was relocated by ACCENTURE from the Visayas.  Uprooted and given another chance to start from scratch, to create a lifestyle and existence with a virtually clean slate, even if I had promised myself years before that I was not coming back to work here, why then am I excited? Why is there this rapid beating in my chest cavity that remarkably feels like anticipation? 

I was feeling this way because ACCENTURE wants me to be here!  And I speak this with beaming pride!

So I am now just one of the myriad of personalities that exist and thrive in these tall skyscrapers where a million different dreams are made.  Here amidst and within the buildings and unstopping activities that is Metro Manila.  I live excitement, hopes, and life changing decisions.  And I am finally free!

Free within the confines of my future, free to be the next success story.  Here in Manila, here in ACCENTURE!

            This is Pinoy ACCENTURE!  A mix of the best traits that make the Filipino people who we are, a company of the best people whose sole purpose is to serve not ones’ self but to nurture family, relationships, friendship, dreams and the growth of society. These drive me, to extend just one additional effort to help customers, clients and colleagues not thinking about self but the whole. 

This is what makes me proud of ACCENTURE, this is what makes me proud of U!

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