Wednesday, March 23, 2011

what big eyes you have?

a lot of fairy tales and children's stories have been re-envisioned and made into movies.  most of them packed with effects and other come-ons that have made the retelling into visions that have mesmerized viewers into awe and often times wonder.  the stories may be the same but then again, these films have again delighted those that have seen them.

to this list i add the new RED RIDING HOOD.

the story is familiar.  the village girl with the red cloak, a grandmother living on the outskirts of a forest, a woodcutter and of course the wolf.  but then again, this is where the similarities end.

the movie, directed by TWILIGHT director, Catherine Hardwicke is an all new fresh take on the red riding hood movie.  for one, the wolf is now a werewolf and from the trailer itself we feel that the movie rides on the suspense on who the werewolf really is.  throughout the film, we are given clues and chances at guesses that for me have all proven false in the end.

Hardwicke delivered the throbbing suspense and who done it thrill throughout the movie.  though I knew that she directed the all popular vampire series, I never saw any similarities with the way she directed this film apart from the instances of MTV like sound scoring that is very twilight in feel.  other than that, the film is totally different.

the scenes are superb.  in fact, from the opening scene id describe each sequence as well executed with each frame made to look like graphic novels or a page in a children's picture book. but a child's story this is not.

yes, the story is familiar to us; although the whole LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD story is summed up within the last 15 minutes of the film. here we see a mature red riding hood, thrown in are the sensual feelings of a girl enamored with a handsome woodcutter, the issues of religion, beliefs and values of friendship, family and love.

red riding hood is a movie but one that takes us away into a world of child's play but with an adult's view and the horror and feelings that make them real.

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